Ye Olde Meme Game 2 brings all your favorite memes to life
- Reach the rainbow frog at the end of the level to win 🏆
- Achieve your highest social credit by hunting down memes ⭐️
- Play endless user-generated levels and compete on leaderboards for clout ☁️
- Build levels for other players and rise on the trending page 💹
YOMG2's Level Builder is the most advanced of its kind and allows for extreme customization.
- Place items at any position, angle, and size
- Mould terrain to any shape you want
- Configure settings to customize behaviour
- Draw waypoint paths for items to move along
- Parent items to each other for new gameplay
- Write in-game Lua mods for extreme control
- Add customized text with emoji support
- Enable Experimental Mode for more freedom
There is also a campaign mode with an animated storyline about a company called ClosedAI who need memes to train their next model.
The levels are hand-crafted and are designed to teach you the ropes of Ye Olde Meme Game 2 to prepare you for the community-built levels.
The goal for Ye Olde Meme Game 2 is to add every meme ever.
Join the community to help mould the future of this game.