The OnePlus Buds app allows you to update OnePlus TWS' firmware and change its settings.
Try out features like: 1. Check headset battery 2. Headset touch settings 3. Consistent headset firmware upgrades
Note: 1. This app is only available on OnePlus devices of OOS 11. Other devices please install Wireless Earphones (OOS 12 or later) or HeyMelody (non-OnePlus devices) app. 2. If you're unable to find the features after downloading the app, please update your phone to the latest version and try again. 3. Some features are only available on the stable OS version of OnePlus 6 and above.
Why is OnePlus Bud installed in my phone? The interaction between OnePlus smartphones and our newly-introduced true wireless headset is tied with several system settings. To ensure a seamless experience, we pre-installed the OnePlus Buds app in the latest stable updates for OnePlus 6 and above devices.
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